SkeptiCamp Wiki
Apply tools of skepticism.
Share your knowledge.
Interact. Ask questions.
Build your skeptical skills.

Apply tools of skepticism.

Share your knowledge.

Interact. Ask questions.

Build your skeptical skills.

SkeptiCamp Madrid 2012

Apply tools of skepticism.
Share your knowledge.
Interact. Ask questions.
Build your skeptical skills.

Upcoming events listed at the Lanyrd conference directory:SkeptiCamp on Lanyrd Lanyrd Feed on Google Maps

There were 10 total events in 2016. Details at the Event Archive.

Skepticamp-24x24 Meet SkeptiCamp[]

Don't let the "camp" fool you. SkeptiCamp is NOT a kid's camp. Nor does it involve the outdoors.

Rather, SkeptiCamp stands as a new model for conferencing among skeptics—a model that focuses on providing each of us a rich avenue to gain proficiency in the skills and knowledge of the domains of critical thinking and science-based skepticism.

Like the traditional lecture-oriented events that have dominated skepticism for decades, SkeptiCamps also feature talks—typically a day's worth—but the similarity ends there.

To mount a traditional event typically requires the resources and expertise of an established organization. By contrast, the SkeptiCamp model places substantive events within reach of informal groups of skeptics anywhere around the world. Traditional events can require the hassle and costs of travel to attend, but with SkeptiCamp you can host a local event each year.

SkeptiCamps are typically free to attend—you ‘pay’ by helping to organize the event, or ideally by offering a short talk on a topic in which you demonstrate to your peers your ability to apply the tools of critical thinking and skeptical inquiry. At the very least we ask that you engage with your fellow participants.

SkeptiCamp events will normally take place at inexpensive venues, such as a meeting room at one's local library, community center or university campus. You can also find them in the back rooms of pubs and restaurants.

SkeptiCamps are open events, meaning that anyone can organize an event and participate, including giving a talk. No hurdles of permission or politics need be overcome to host an event. We do however encourage simplicity and collaboration in organizing to allow events to recur from year to year by ensuring that an inordinate burden does not fall upon the few.

To keep these events substantive, the SkeptiCamp model does make two important requests of us. First, those of us giving talks must take questions during our talks when prompted by the politely raised hands of our fellow participants. Second, SkeptiCamp asks that speakers be prepared to provide a source on any claim likely to be challenged. We must guard against the damage that misinformation can wreak.

Tearing down the barriers to events that can make us better skeptics is what SkeptiCamp is all about. Join with us in this ambitious experiment to share what you know and to learn from your peers. You might even have fun doing so!

Skepticamp-24x24 Getting started[]

Hosting your first event starts with a call for organizers, a meeting where you decide on potential dates and venues. Full details at Organizing a SkeptiCamp Event.

This is a collaboratively-edited wiki, so please give back by sharing your experiences of organizing, specifically on the What Went Right and What Went Wrong pages, to benefit the organizers of future events.

Skepticamp-24x24 For more information[]

Follow @skepticamp on Twitter for daily tips and updates.

Session Topics - Considering offering a talk to your peers but stumped for topics? Rest assured that there are THOUSANDS of ideas for talks. Find one that drives your passion for science and skepticism!

Event Archive - tracking all previous events. Please help to keep this updated!

What's Right with Skepticism? (August 2013) - At his Skeptical Humanities blog, Bob Blaskiewicz lists SkeptiCamp as one of the positive forces among skeptics

Top 10 SkeptiCamp FAILs, Part 1 Part 2 (August 2012) - common mistakes in two-part article that builds on What Went Wrong page.

Leveling up as a Skeptic - SkeptiCamp at 50 events (June 2012) - introductory article in the JREF's SWIFT blog

Top Seven Reasons Why SkeptiCamp Sucks (February 2011) - fun article exploring downsides of open events in the Indie Skeptics blog

Barcamp conference model (wikipedia) - SkeptiCamp is Barcamp adapted to domain of scientific skepticism

SkepTV (tagged) - Videos at SkepTV tagged as 'skepticamp'